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Hello! I'm Claire.

A Qualified Life Coach, Plant based Nutrition and Health Coach, Detox Retreats Facilitator, Wholefoods Chef and Cafe Owner.

I am currently a student of The Food Matters Institute Health Coaching programme and The Institute for The Psychology of Eating programme. 

I'm so eager to work with you to help you with your natural health and vitality goals! 

My Story

I’ve always been passionate about cooking, using real foods, but struggled with my weight.


In 2011 I went on a detox retreat that changed my life and I went on to run my own juicing retreats and opened up a café serving only organic, plant-based foods.


For 2 years I ate  a raw vegan diet, reached  my ideal weight and  ran my business with masses of energy as well as running Meet Up groups.

Over time I found that eating raw was not sustainable for me and my lifestyle so I added in more cooked vegan foods. I guess it was about finding the balance and being able to enjoy times with family and friends without worrying if there was anything on the menu for me!

I have now found that a diet high in raw foods with cooked plant based and very occasional local organic meat, fish or eggs works for me.

I’ve been on a journey to better health and to find exercise and healthy habits that I enjoy. It hasn't been easy and the weight has gone up and down. But Life is a journey isn't it? I've found the  value of being in nature and have discovered ways to be more in harmony with the circadian rhythms whilst grounding myself and reducing stress through relaxation therapies. I’m always working on myself to be the best version of myself and love nothing more than helping others to achieve their dreams and find purpose and fulfillment in their lives too.

My goal is to stay active, be healthy and free of medications and to continue doing what I love for the rest of my life. It will be my 60th birthday in 2023! I’m doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal. I believe that we can live long and happy lives if we take care of ourselves, mind, body and spirit.

In 2003 I qualified as a Life Coach and really love working with clients. Nothing gives me more pleasure than when a client gets clarity, makes breakthroughs and is able to set and achieve their goals with my help and support. I specialise in Natural Health Coaching and believe that all aspects of a person's life contribute to the state of their mental and physical health and so I'm always happy to coach a client on their concerns around money, work, relationships and whatever is important to them., not just their actual health and weight struggles. 

Before and After Photos

If I can do it, so can you!

Qualifications and Experience


 Manager and Chef in the Catering and Hospitality Industry 


UK College of Life Coaching - Life Coaching Certificate

Paul McKenna and Richard Bandler - NLP certificate

Retreat Manger training  - Amchara Detox Retreats 

Raw Food Chef training 

Owner of ORB cafe, Edinburgh - Organic, raw vegan cafe

Manager of Meadowlark Yoga Centre cafe, Edinburgh


Retreats Facilitator in UK and Spain

Owner and Chef of Veg Of Reason raw food delivery service, Harrogate

Owner/Chef of Option Ve, wholefoods plant based  cafe, Harrogate

New Skills academy - Vegan Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle certificate

New Skills Academy - Life Coaching Diploma

Food Matters Institute - Nutrition Certification (Student)

Institute for The Psychology of Eating (Student) 


Call or text me on 075 800 25 200

Book your complimentary discovery call NOW! 

Let's see how I can help you to move forward!

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