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Can I help you?

Life can be so fast paced and often we are just so busy to properly look after ourselves. And those around us are often too busy to stop and listen to us when we just want to talk about our day… let alone our life and health challenges.

Our sleep can be disrupted if we don’t have the time to properly process what’s going on in our lives during our waking hours.

We can forget who we really are and what we really want when we are looking after others or working long hours.

We might grab unhealthy foods that will give us a quick boost or may end up in a cycle of eating poorly and reaching for the chocolate, a glass of wine or cup of coffee to pick us up.

Sometimes we may be too tired to cook so may order in a takeaway meal.

Drained or too tired to exercise, getting out for some fresh air or a walk in nature may not always happen.

We may fall into bed exhausted only to wake up feeling unrefreshed before the cycle starts all over again.

Life/Health Coaching helps you stop and think about what’s important to you. It gives you a safe space to express yourself, to be listened to.

Life Coaches do not judge. They don’t tell you what they think you should be doing. They just allow you the time and space to figure things out whilst supporting you and assisting you in planning your ideal life.

Coaching is a powerful tool to invest in if you really want to make great strides forward. Your coach will help you formulate action plans and will be your cheerleader as you strive towards your goals one small step at a time.

As a Coach, I want the best for you. Nothing you want to work on is off limits. If it’s important to you then it’s important for me to help you move forward as quickly as I can.

But coaching is not for the faint hearted, it requires time and effort from you if you want to make sustainable and lasting changes.

I promise you, though, that you will undoubtedly feel better from being listened to, knowing yourself and your needs and wants better. You’ll most probably feel better achieving clarity about your direction in life and having the accountability, support and encouragement from someone who has no personal agenda.

My only agenda is to help you achieve your goals and dreams and feel better.

If this sparks your interest then please book a free 30-minute Discovery Session and let’s see if we can start working together to help you become healthier, and feel more fulfilled, energetic and alive!

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Coaching Courses and 1:1 sessions

It is my desire to be able to help you whatever your financial situation so there are options ranging from affordable Zoom Courses and Group Coaching through to Private Coaching and Luxury Retreat Holidays. 

Zoom Courses

My courses consist of 8 x weekly 1 hour evening or weekend sessions. These take place over Zoom with a maximum of 8 participants, allowing for discussion and  Q and A.

I'll share with you exercises and tools to help you move forward and make significant lifestyle changes during these 8 weeks of working together. 

Group Coaching

Similar to the Zoom Courses, the group coaching allows for more sharing between participants and includes additional support through a Whats App group. Group coaching clients are also entitled to a discount on one to one coaching after completing the 8 weeks of group coaching. 

One to One Coaching

One to one sessions allow you to dig a little deeper with your challenges and to set clear goals whilst benefiting from the accountability and personal support and encouragement that comes from private coaching. Programmes last from 3 to 6 months to ensure lasting change.  Get in touch to book your Discovery Call or email your enquiries.


From time to time I run detox retreats in the UK and Spain  along with Jo Bluett., owner and Laughter Yoga Leader from Laughter For Health. We can organise these for a minimum of 6 guests so please get in touch if you're interested in a juice or raw food retreat with lots of laughter! Our retreats also include meditation, walks and simple yoga sessions.

What Clients Say

"I was really struggling. I was stuck and felt so alone.
Claire helped me find my way through. Without her support I don't know where I'd be right now. Having Claire to talk to and work things out was life changing.
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