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What do we mean by Raw Food?

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

What is it?

The Raw Food lifestyle I am talking about does not involve eating raw animal products but plant based foods only - vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and sprouted pulses and grains. It is a vegan diet free from dairy, meat and fish.

Raw foods have not been heated above 48 degrees C and this ensures that the food retains all of its valuable nutrients and enzymes needed for the digestive process. Cooking food is reported to diminish the nutritional content of food considerably and the body has to use up its own store of enzymes to break it down, thereby depleting the body and compromising the digestive system. A weak digestive system is then not able to get all the goodness out of the food that it consumed no matter how nutritious.

Eating for Health

The average Western diet consisting of packaged “foods” full of preservatives, additives and chemicals, that the body doesn’t know what to do with, often results in toxic overload. The body then stores these excess toxins in fat cells (a safe place to leave them while the liver is coping with what it can for now; filtering the blood and keeping the body safe from toxaemia) and this is what causes many people to hold on to fat in the body. As the body gradually detoxifies through a clean uncomplicated diet of raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts the body starts to let the fat go as the liver can deal with these stored toxins. These foods are known as quick exit foods. In other words they are digested easily and any waste or fibre leaves the body quickly. The digestive transition of plant based foods is much quicker than the transition of the flesh of animals and fish. The human intestines are so much longer than carnivores and this is why meat putrefies in the human body. It takes so long to pass through the system that it literally rots inside and this is what causes such bad smells in the bathroom!

Most of us are aware of the recommendations of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. The nutrient and antioxidant content of fresh produce is widely documented. And it makes sense to eat these foods as freshly and non- interfered with as possible – straight from Nature’s pantry. A body that is nourished with all the vitamins and minerals it requires for all of its functions, along with proper hydration, fresh air and regular exercise will result in a body that has energy and vitality and a strong immune system. There are countless stories to be read of people who have completely healed themselves (sometimes after being told they have only weeks to live) through juicing and eating organic, raw foods.

Another important factor for health is keeping the body alkaline. Raw plant based foods are generally alkalising (some nuts are acid forming) helping the body maintain its optimum PH level of 7.4. Degeneration of the body occurs when it’s acidic (otherwise known as aging).

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

We are encouraged to eat a wide variety of colours in our fruit and vegetables as this is nature’s way of ensuring we get all the vitamins and minerals, across the board, along with antioxidants.

Below is an explanation of antioxidants:

“Antioxidants shield our cells from the damage of free radicals. To understand how they work, think about peeled potatoes and sliced apples. If you leave them on the worktop for several minutes, they turn an unappealing shade of brown. That’s because when you cut the apple or potato, you exposed the inner flesh to air, allowing oxygen to react with chemicals found under the skin. Sprinkle on some antioxidants in the form of orange or lemon juice, and you won’t have this unappetizing problem. The vitamin-C in the juice is an antioxidant, a compound that combats oxidation and prevents cellular damage. The same scenario can be found in your body. Pollution, toxins, smoking, and normal metabolism create those damaging free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules ready to pounce on any nearby molecule including proteins and DNA. Luckily, natural protection from the foods we eat can protect our DNA and other molecules by stabilizing these free radicals before they have a chance to strike. By eating fruits, vegetables and other antioxidant-rich foods every day, you are increasing your body’s availability of molecules that can react with those free radicals”.

The other great thing about eating organic, local produce (where possible) is that all the unrecognisable ingredients on many packaged foods are not consumed.

Non-organic meat contains all the hormones that are pumped into these animals, and the chemicals that may been put into its feed, which when eaten challenges your body with a whole cocktail of nasties to deal with.

And then there are all the fruit and vegetables that have been genetically modified or taken from the tree before naturally ripening (in order to minimise wastage and maximise profits) and it’s easy to see why the health of our nation is not what it could be.

Living force

The life force has been killed in food that has been cooked, processed and micro waved. Meat and fish products are dead foods. Those consuming such foods will not feel as vibrant and alive as if they eat pure, unadultered living foods. People on a High Raw diet report more energy, clarity of mind and a sense of calm and are often described as glowing, beautiful or sexy. Many look much younger than their biological years.

Raw Food delights

There are 1000’s of amazing raw food recipes out there including nut “milks” , seed “cheeses”, breads, crackers, cakes, biscuits, crisps, desserts, chocolates, smoothies, juices, soups and wonderful raw versions of favourites like Pizza, Burgers, Curries, Lasagne and Pasta dishes. You name it – if you crave a cooked food there is probably a raw version that has been created! Raw chocolates are easy to make and a real treat! There is so much more to this way of eating than boring salads.

This is what makes eating a High Raw diet so wonderful. There is no need to feel deprived; in fact after eating raw for a while you may never look back!

Equipment like a juicer and blender are obvious requirements for the budding raw foodist but add to those pieces of equipment a dehydrator and you can make breads, crackers, sun dried tomatoes, vegetable crisps, pizza bases, dried fruit, spicy snacks – nuts, seeds and crisps which really opens up a whole new world to the most tasty, delicious food you could get your hands on. Other useful pieces of equipment include a seed grinder, a spiralizer (a slicing machine that makes spaghetti shapes from vegetables for raw “pasta” dishes), a great knife, a jar for sprouting, a nut milk bag and of course, chocolate moulds!

You can hours of fun making your own versions of cooked dishes. Once you get the basics it’s easy! And once you are prepared you really don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen anymore.

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